The Annual Review Template features 40 thought-provoking questions inspired by kepano's post, "40 Questions to Ask Yourself Every Year." Each question is neatly divided into categories, making it easier for you to navigate and answer them. It's designed for deeper reflection, giving you everything you need to dive right into introspection and self-discovery.
The Annual Review template comes with pre-loaded questions, allowing you to dive right in—no setup, no barriers, just pure reflection.
Both the templates make it easy to engage in the review process while also preserving your answers year after year. 🙌🏽
Inspired by Sahil Bloom’s tweet on yearly reflections, this version focuses on 7 powerful questions to guide you through the process, making it quick yet meaningful. ⚡️
A more in-depth approach with 40 insightful questions, sourced from kepano’s post, for a comprehensive review of your year.
This version gives you access to both templates, allowing you to explore and answer the 7 powerful questions inspired by Sahil Bloom, as well as the 40 insightful questions from Kepano. Enjoy a comprehensive review experience that covers all your reflection needs!
Check out all our other Notion Tools & Templates here
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